Hello! I’m Daran J. Johnson, and I have a passion for marketing analytics & providing actionable insights to organizations. Part of that passion is in creating reproducible and easily shareable marketing analyses. I have found that mastering analytical programming languages is essential to this process. It empowers us to generate insights that truly make a difference.

Marketing Analytics & Coding

I have a particular affinity for the R programming language. This is due to its intuitive usability, powerful visualization capabilities, and robust native statistical functions. Together with Python, these languages greatly expand the possibilities within marketing analytics. This allows us to push the boundaries of what can be achieved.

R and Python are code-based, which means any analysis you perform can be easily updated and rerun. This approach simplifies documentation and allows for quick adjustments to your analysis. This ensures that your insights remain current and adaptable.

Marketing Analytics Platforms

I have been deeply involved with Google’s Cloud Platform since the early days. Today, these tools offer an affordable and powerful ecosystem for capturing marketing data, funneling it into BigQuery, and creating insightful analyses. Additionally, you can seamlessly analyze data stored in BigQuery from digital platforms such as GA4, Google Ads, and other marketing sources.

I’ve discovered that R, Python, and Google’s Cloud Platforms complement each other exceptionally well. Over the years, I’ve developed numerous marketing analytics & research projects that provide valuable insights to the organizations I have had the pleasure to work with. These projects have empowered stakeholders with deeper insights into the performance of their online assets and marketing activities. I’m continually exploring new ways these platforms can work together to enhance our understanding of marketing performance.

Continuous Learning

I also love to learn and I never stop pursuing knowledge. While it’s challenging to stay on top of every new development in the fast-paced world of marketing; I have prioritized growth and adaptability as the landscape evolves.

Website Focus

This website is about sharing my knowledge of marketing analysis and the platforms that make it possible. Any post focused on analytical coding will have the complete code available on my GitHub repository.

Other Things I Do

I’m an avid runner and Strava has a great running group for R programmers called The RStats Running Club, which I am active on. If you run and you like R, please join.

I have also volunteered my time to assist non-profits with their marketing analytics needs, which has been incredibly rewarding and allowed me to connect with some truly wonderful people.

Contact Me

To reach out to me, you can message me on LinkedIn or email me at daran at daranondata.com.

A Couple Points About This Website

  • All opinions expressed are my own and do not reflect anyone else’s opinions.
  • I use a few analytics tools, such as Google Analytics, to monitor the website. These tools may place cookies on your browser and retrieve information on general things such as city, technology & number of visits. I do not use this information to market to you. You can check out my Privacy Policy to learn more.